

The group uses the latest and most sophisticated technology and instrumentation, such as:

  • A Sciex QTrap 5500 mass spectrometer,
  • Eksigent microLC 200 and Eksigent ExpressHT ultra high-performance liquid microchromatography systems,
  • A Shimadzu Prominence ultra-fast analytical HPLC, and
  • A Sciex APC 2000 mass spectrometer and a Bruker Scion TQ GC/MS/MS

We can analyze key nutrients in blood, muscle, and other solid/liquid biological samples as well as low levels of nonradioactive, heavy variants of those same nutrients that we give to our study subjects.

Measurement of these tracers allow us to ask not only how much of these key nutrients are present, but how fast they are being produced and eliminated by our human and animal test subjects.