
European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism

A multi-professional faculty of well-known field experts will guide you to a better understanding of the practicalities of tracer methodology and enable you to confidently engage in tracer studies, giving you a head start in building your own tracer lab. This course is held annually in various locations. Email Dr. Laura Ruebush for more information regarding dates and location for the next session.

Who should attend?

Everyone interested in tracer methodology for metabolic research, or anyone who wants to learn more for further research.

What will you learn?

This course will cover the following areas:

  • Tracers, detection and principles of tracer methods
  • Stable and radioactive isotopes
  • Types of mass spectrometers
  • Whole body versus regional/organ
  • Isotope dilution versus incorporation
  • How to perform tracer studies
  • Use of D2O methods
  • Application of tracers in metabolic research
  • Tracer methods in carbohydrates, fat, protein, amino acids and energy metabolism
  • Use of stable isotopes in proteomic research

A special evening lecture on “Problems and Pitfalls of Using Tracers to Measure In Vivo Kinetics” will be given by Dwight Matthews.

Reading Research Publications in Kinesiology (KINE 601 – 3 credit hours)

This course is designed to help students develop basic skills in reading, reviewing, and understanding publications in Human (clinical) Kinesiology research. The first half of the semester is a combination of lecture and discussion to cover basic concepts regarding:

  • Human (clinical) research,
  • Research publications,
  • Types of publications and formats, and
  • Writing and reviewing processes.

Subsequent meetings will incorporate student presentations of research publications and posters.

Introduction to Human Clinical Research (KINE 651 – 3 credit hours)

Fundamentals of initiating and conducting human clinical research; topics include:

  • Subject recruitment and medical screening,
  • Clinical study design, preparations and procedures,
  • Federal and institutional policies,
  • Budget,
  • Role of pharmacies, and
  • Laboratory clinical research.

Methods in Human Clinical Research (KINE 652 – 3 credit hours)

This course is designed to gather insight on a variety of measurements used in clinical setting to obtain data for screening, characterization, and follow-up of subjects in biomedical and social behavioral human research.

Theory of Kinesiology Research (KINE 690 – 3 credit hours)

This course is designed to provide doctoral students with a working understanding of the design, analysis, and interpretation of experimental data in health, sports management, and kinesiology.

Hot Topics in Human Clinical Research (KINE 682 – 1 credit hour)

This seminar course is designed to engage students in critical analysis of manuscripts that represent hot topics in human clinical research.

Undergraduate Research Hours (KINE 491) or Graduate Directed Studies (KINE 685)

  • Similar to lab credit, each hour registered equals a 4 hour shift at the Center.
    • Preference is given to students who can commit to a minimum of 2 credit hours.
  • Students will work cooperatively as a member of a team, multi-task, and develop excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Students will assist with a variety of tasks related to preparation, conduct, and data associated with clinical study days completed with human subjects.
  • Experience working with general office equipment, computers, and familiarity with general word processing software/spreadsheets is preferred.
  • Completion of appropriate training is required.

Contact Laura Ruebush to learn more.